How to Tell What Type of Airsoft Battery I Have

How to Tell What Type of Airsoft Battery I Have

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In that location is nil and then demoralizing as a bombardment failure in the midst of an airsoft battle.

Suddenly the weapon that you're relying upon becomes a dud – a useless prop in your easily. Inside seconds, your game is over – and your trunk peppered with Bulletin board system!

This goes to underscore just how vital your battery is to your whole airsoft feel.

Getting your head around the types of batteries available and how to ensure that you lot're getting the best out of them volition make you a much ameliorate airsofter.

The Battery Connector

Airsoft Battery Connector

The bombardment connector is the about of import component of the whole battery story.

Unless the blazon of connector is compatible with the battery, you will non be able to connect the battery and your gun will be useless.

The almost common blazon of battery connector that y'all will run into is chosen the 'mini Tamiya' connector. Information technology is the standard connector that is fitted to virtually airsoft rifles.

Standard Tamiya batteries are larger than the mini Tamiya. Because space inside the battery compartment is limited, standard Tamiyas are less common.

The Dean, or T-Connector, is often found in stock airsoft guns. This connector provides a more than secure, reliable connectedness than Tamiya connectors.

As a result, experienced airsofters will often upgrade their rifles from a Tamiya to a Dean connector.

Airsoft Battery Voltage

Charging Battery

The voltage of a battery refers to how fast the battery is able to brand the motor spin.

The college the voltage of the battery, the greater the revolutions per minute (RPM). Airsoft battery voltages range from vii.2v to 12.8v.

The almost commonly found range, however, is betwixt vii.2 and 9.6v.

The higher the voltage of your battery, the greater the rate of fire your AEG will produce.

It volition also give you lot a amend trigger response, though it will not bear upon the fps (anxiety per second) that the BB will be able to fly.

In that location is a sweet spot when it comes to airsoft battery voltage.

You want a voltage that is high plenty to produce maximum performance but not also high to cause arcing across the trigger contacts.

In addition, if you have a voltage that is too high for the rifle, it will put too much strain on the internal workings of the gun.

Bombardment Capacity

Battery Voltage

The capacity of an airsoft bombardment is measured in MilliAmp Hours (MaH).

The MaH rating of a battery indicates how many hours your battery will power the gun. Your airsoft burglarize volition not come with a MaH rating from the manufacturer.

This is something you will have to discover for yourself.

If your gun is fitted with a 1500 MaH battery and the battery lasts for three hours, then your AEG gun has a MaH of 500 MaH.

This seems to be the standard for nigh AEG guns.

If you are planning on playing airsoft for a full day (half-dozen+ hours), y'all will want to have one or two spare batteries in your vest.

What Kind of Batteries Does Airsoft Guns Apply?

All Airsoft Automatic Electric Guns (AEGs) require a rechargeable bombardment for it to go operational.

There are five types of batteries that you volition come across:


Holding Alkaline Batteries

Alkaline batteries are a high chapters blazon of bombardment that is bachelor in chargeable and nonchargeable options.

These batteries, still, are limited in their recharging ability. Alkali metal batteries may also create problems for your rifle if they go dead.

You volition desire to keep your alkaline batteries constantly charged.

Element of group i batteries are old school when it comes to battery technology. They are not as able to handle the stress associated with an airsoft weapon and and so are not that popular.

NiMH Batteries

Airsoft NiMH Batteries

NiMH, or nickel-metallic hydride, batteries deliver a longer and more powerful charge than alkaline batteries will provide.

All the same, they do not emit as much voltage as alkaline batteries. However, if you permit the bombardment to sit idle for a long menstruum of time, it will lose charge quite quickly.

You will want to completely run the charge out of a NiMH battery earlier recharging it. Yous too should avert overcharging the battery.

NiMH batteries are recognized among the safest. They can exist effectively charged with a simple, cheap charger. These are the best batteries for people who are just getting into airsoft.

NiCad Batteries

Holding NiCAD Battery

NiCad, or nickel-cadmium, batteries are pop because they are long-lasting.

This type of bombardment is best for guns with low capacity. Like NiMH batteries, NiCads emit less voltage than alkaline batteries.

Again you will want to brand sure not to overcharge the bombardment, and then it's a good thought to get a charger with an auto shut off when it reaches total accuse.

Lithium-Ion Batteries

Airsoft Lithium Ion Battery

Lithium-Ion batteries are all-time for high capacity airsoft rifles.

These are the most expensive batteries just have the reward of charging within the device that they are powering.

Li-Po Batteries

Airsoft Logic LiPo Battery

Li-Po batteries are lightweight and come in a number of shapes.

They contain Lithium Polymer and are the most unstable of all airsoft bombardment types. They have been known to flare-up into flames if punctured or shorted.

You lot will also need a special charger to charge a LiPo battery. Despite these drawbacks, LiPo batteries remain popular because they offer the greatest power output for compact weapons.

LiPo Vs NiMH Batteries

When it comes to such gadgets as radio-controlled cars, planes and airsoft guns, nickel-metal hydroxy batteries (NiMH) take been the go-to type for many decades.

In recent times, however, many people accept switched over to Lithium Polymer (LiPo) batteries in the belief that they will produce more than bang for the buck.

So, which i should you go for?

A NiMH battery is a round cell that comes in a number of dissimilar configurations.

The AA size bombardment that you are no doubtfulness familiar with is a unmarried jail cell NiMH bombardment. Nickel Cadmium (NiCD) batteries expect but like NiMH batteries.

Nonetheless, they take very different internal features. NiCD batteries are considered to be outdated engineering. Be sure to read the packaging so that you know the difference.

A NiMH battery uses hydrogen to stock energy, and nickel to go on a cap on the hydrogen ions.

The battery cells use an element of group i electrolyte to create a positive electrode of the battery. The negative electrode consists of hydrogen ions.

LiPo batteries accept two or more cells in a serial. It volition as well take a residuum pb. It is flat and rectangular, though it may vary in their width, height, and weight.

They contain carbon and lithium, which is highly reactive. They are able to restore a huge amount of free energy forth with a lowered internal resistance.

Rather than the hard metal outer shell that you detect with NiMH batteries, LiPo batteries have a more malleable polymer lamination case.

To help you decide which battery type to put in your airsoft rifle, nosotros will see which performs better nether a number of of import bombardment-related criteria.


Holding LiPo Battery

LiPo batteries are able to concord 350 per centum more than charge than a NiMH battery.

That means that they volition produce more power and final longer. Amazingly, they do this while beingness much lighter than a NiMH battery.

Internal Resistance

The lower the internal resistance inside the battery, the less corporeality of estrus is produced, making the bombardment safer and more efficient.

LiPo batteries produce a significantly lower amount of internal resistance than NiMH batteries.

Charging a LiPo Bombardment

It is far trickier to charge a LiPo battery than any other type.

The battery pack will have cells connected in series. You will demand a special charger that tin monitor the accuse on each individual cell.

It is critical that no i prison cell ends upwards with a greater charge than any of the other cells. If one cell is overcharged, some serious problems can effect.

The cells of the battery volition aggrandize and delamination will occur. These things volition detrimentally affect the life of the bombardment and result in potential safe issues.

Discharge Bend

The discharge curve of a LiPo battery is much lower than that of a NiMH bombardment. The slower the discharge curve, the less the performance quality will be affected as the battery charge runs out.

Are NiMH batteries safer than LiPo?

Two Different Battery Types

Aye, NiMH batteries are safer than LiPo batteries.

Bombardment storage is very important and when it comes to LiPo batteries, you are more probable to run into problems.

LiPo batteries that are stored either flat or fully charged for more than a couple of weeks can cause harm to the battery, with cases having occurred where fully charged batteries accept defenseless on burn.

LiPo batteries should be about fifty percent charged when stored. But if you lot are going to dispose of a LiPo battery, y'all should make sure that there is no accuse left in information technology.

LiPo batteries are, by their very nature, less stable than NiMH batteries. This ways that LiPo batteries crave much greater care and maintenance than practice NiMH batteries.

NiMH vs LiPo Performance

LiPo batteries take a higher capacity and voltage than NiMH batteries.

This is primarily because they discharge energy at a flatter rate. They will deliver a significantly higher greater rate of fire for your airsoft gun.

LiPo batteries volition also accuse faster than NiMH batteries. The best way to charge a NiMH bombardment is with a trickle accuse.

Which battery is best for airsoft?

When information technology comes to airsoft, LiPo batteries have a lot going for them. They are lighter and more meaty, reducing the weight of your airsoft weapon.

Yous practise non have to cycle a new LiPo battery and it volition not lose its retentiveness cell. LiPo will last longer and give you a greater rate of burn.

On the other hand, LiPo batteries are more fragile. If you drop them when out in the field, y'all may not be able to utilise them.

They are more than catchy when information technology comes to charging and maintenance and more than likely to catch on burn. They are also more than expensive than NiMH batteries.

When it comes to transporting your LiPo battery, you should always put information technology in a fireproof LiPo sack.

Battery Chargers

Charging LiPo Battery

When it comes to charging a LiPo battery, you need to get a charger that is specifically designed for that purpose.

If you endeavor to charge a LiPo battery on a standard battery charger, you volition be in for an explosion!

There are two options when it comes to LiPo chargers:

  • four Button Smart Charger
  • Balanced Charger

A Smart charger will allow y'all to charge the battery to a prepare voltage, which is of import with a LiPo considering y'all do not want it to be fully charged.

A balanced charger will ensure that each of the cells is charged equally. However, in that location is no facility to charge to a pre-set level. In that location is too no facility to discharge the bombardment.

To brand it easier to charge your LiPo battery, you lot should invest in a multimeter. This will allow y'all to measure the level of charge in each cell and in the battery overall.

Without a multimeter, you will constantly be on the backfoot when it comes to your LiPo battery.

When charging your battery, make sure that yous plug the charger straight into the wall. If you lot utilize a power strip or an extension string, you will not get a good outcome.

It volition take much longer to accuse and unless your power strip has a surge protector, y'all will destroy the bombardment if a surge does occur.

The length of time that you accuse the battery depends upon how many mA the battery has. Lower mA batteries will charge faster than college ones.

Your charger will actually bespeak how many mA volition accuse per hr. Look for numbers similar this:

OUTPUT: DC 8.4v 300mA

This tells you that the charger will provide 300 milliamps per hour. You can work out from this how many hours it will take to charge the battery.

If, for example, the battery contains 1500 mA, then it will have five hours (1500 divided by 300) to fully charge the battery.

If y'all desire to know if the battery is charged and exercise not have a smart charger or a multimeter, you can go a reasonable estimate of the level of charge by using the touch exam.

Place a finger on the battery. You want the battery to be warm, merely not hot enough for it to be fully charged. If it is hot, you volition take overcharged the battery, which will cause impairment to it.

You lot should never go out a bombardment that is being charged unattended.


What specifications should I know almost when information technology comes to airsoft batteries?

Different Airsoft Batteries

To choose the right battery for your airsoft needs, you need to exist able to understand the specs on the battery packaging.

Here'south a quick rundown:

Voltage this refers to the power of the bombardment to turn the motor. Airsoft rifle batteries generally have a voltage betwixt 7.2 and 9.6v. Clearly you desire it to be high to produce a greater rate of fire and trigger responsiveness, but you don't want it to be so high that it overstresses the internal workings of your burglarize. Annihilation over 10v is probably going to do that.

Amperage – this is a measure of the flow of electrons from the battery to the motor of your airsoft gun. The greater the amperage, the more torque your airsoft weapon will have.

Wattage this is the full corporeality of power required to turn the motor pinion in the gearbox. Wattage is found past multiplying the voltage by the amperage.

Milliamp Hours – this is a measure of the life of the battery. Every bit a general guide, each time you lot clasp the trigger, you are using upwardly i-2 milliamps.

C-Rating this is the belch rate of the battery.

Chemical science this is the chemical compound of the electrolyte that travels from the anode to the cathode.

How exercise I know if my LiPo airsoft battery charge is getting low?

LiPo Battery Voltage Test

When it comes to other battery types, it doesn't really matter if your battery runs expressionless.

So long as you've got a spare bombardment to replace it with, you're good to go. When information technology comes to LiPo, notwithstanding, you DO Not desire to permit the bombardment run dry.

If you do, the battery will be permanently damaged to the point of being unusable. Instead, you lot need to proceed a minimum of virtually 30 percent accuse in the battery.

Knowing when your LiPo battery is low is a skill that y'all will develop over time. Hither are some pointers to help you:

  • The rate of fire of your airsoft gun will wearisome downwards. As soon as y'all notice this, you should suspension to replace the bombardment. Ignoring this sign because you are caught upward in the heat of the battle could be a plush mistake!
  • Purchase a battery tester and plug it in to allow you know what level of charge you take left on the bombardment.
  • Invest in a low bombardment warning. This is a small device that plugs into the balancing socket of your battery. It will emit an alarm when the battery gets downwards to 3 volts.
  • Use a low voltage cut-off device. It will cut the power to the trigger when the bombardment level hits a critical level.

How can I best maintain my LiPo battery?

The most critical thing to know, which we have already noted in this article, is that you must not store your LiPo battery in either an empty or a fully charged land.

The ideal storage voltage appears to exist 3.8 volts. You should never let the voltage of your LiPo battery to drop below iii.0 volts.

LiPo batteries should be stored within of a LiPo sack.

This is a small bag that is fireproof and seals completely. This affords protection if the chemicals leak from the battery and if the battery catches on fire.

Even though there is a possibility that LiPo batteries may catch on fire, the reality is that the chances of this happening are very low.

Notwithstanding, you need to exercise everything to prevent a disaster from occurring. This includes putting the battery in a fireproof sack and situating it in an area that is away from other flammable materials.

How should I dispose of a LiPo bombardment?

When it comes time to dispose of your LiPo bombardment, you must NEVER put it out with the garbage or throw it in the trash. You should just have your used LiPo batteries to a recycling center.

Practise airsoft batteries lose charge?

Airsoft Rifle

Yes, as with all batteries, airsoft batteries will lose charge. The charge per unit at which it will exercise and then will depend on the type of battery.

The most of import number to look at on the battery is the mAH. One BB usually equates to i mAH. So, a battery that has 1000 mAH will allow y'all to fire 1000 Bbs.

From the above, we can see that it is impossible to give a timeframe as to losing accuse. It all depends on your rate of burn down.

If yous permit off a thou rounds in an hour, then your battery volition exist wearied within that time frame.

Only, if yous go all day and only shoot 250 rounds, then yous'll accept plenty of charges left on the way dwelling house.


Your battery is at the center of your entire airsoft adventure.

Be sure to follow the advice we've provided in this article to ensure that you purchase the best batteries for your airsoft weapon, charge them for best performance and maintain them in order to achieve maximum usage.

Practise those things and you will feel a less frustrating, more than rewarding airsoft feel.

How to Tell What Type of Airsoft Battery I Have

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