Factory Direct Bedding & Furniture Quincy, Il

Factory Direct Bedding & Furniture Quincy, Il

Photo Courtesy: Stephen Simpson/DigitalVision/Getty Images

Are yous washing your bed sheets as ofttimes as experts recommend? Probably not. According to contempo findings, the average person changes their sheets every 24 days or so — or, roughly, every three weeks. Perchance that seems acceptable to you, and, clearly, yous wouldn't exist alone. Just that doesn't change the fact that unwashed bed sheets are a paradise for microscopic dust mites and other allergens. So, how frequently should you lot wash your bedding? Nosotros're taking a look at some tips and tricks — and delving into why stretching a fix of sheets for that 24-day duration isn't a very salubrious thought.

Hither's the thing: If you're only washing your bed sheets once a month, y'all're not doing it enough. Ideally, you should exist washing them every week. (Or, at a minimum, every other week.) If y'all're sick or taking care of someone who'southward non feeling well, washing the bed sheets daily is an important step when it comes to getting improve. Don't forget to wash the sheets in warm water and dry out on a high setting to kill any potential bacteria.

Photograph Courtesy: Louise Beaumont/Moment/Getty Images

And don't forget well-nigh your pillow. Aye, the actual pillow, non just the case. Y'all may not want to think about it, but pillows can host mold, yeast, and bacteria, which, in plow, tin can cause conditions similar asthma. Haven't washed your pillow in years? Maybe this is the time to invest in a new ane.

What Lives in Your Sheets?

By at present, you've probably checked your sheets to see if anything'due south there. If you don't run across anything, you lot shouldn't feel relief. The affair is, y'all won't be able to detect anything without the help of a microscope, which can magnify all those small-scale, white spider-similar creatures that call your bedding home. Known as dust mites, these pests are invisible to the naked middle, but they're around. The best mode to keep them under control? Launder your sheets regularly in hot water. If yous don't, yous might develop allergies or inadvertently weaken your immune system.

Photo Courtesy: Deep Look/YouTube

Of form, grit mites aren't the only things residing in your sheets. Dead skin cells are an unavoidable contaminant since our bodies shed a million skin cells every single 24-hour interval. To make things worse, these cells actually attract dust mites. Additionally, nigh sheets are dirtied past natural oils that your torso produces and, of form, sweat. For those of u.s.a. who savor a midnight snack, in that location might even be some crumbs dotting the bed sheets.

A Guide to Washing Your Bed Sheets

Already planning your next washing? Luckily, in that location are plenty of ways you can make clean each piece of bedding to keep things fresh, clean and dust mite-costless. Remember: It'southward always important to follow the manufacturer-provided instructions, but these tips might help take things to the next level.

Photo Courtesy: Gary John Norman/Paradigm Bank/Getty Images


  • If manus-washing, your bed sheets should be washed in hot, soapy water.
  • Brand sure y'all don't wash them with clothes as this may crusade damage or lead to pilling.
  • If you spot a stain, attempt to take care of it before the washing process begins.
  • Need to burnish up white sheets? Add a quarter of a loving cup of lemon juice earlier washing with warm h2o.
  • When using a dryer, attempt a medium or low setting since high oestrus might harm the fibers.
  • Fun fact: The best way to forbid your sheets from stretching out is to ball them upward when you put them in the washer.


  • Depending on your coating fabric, y'all may need to pay attention to the instructions provided by the manufacturer. Generally, your wool blankets should but be washed in cold water and put on a low spin setting in one case in the dryer.
  • Never wash your electric blankets or weighted blankets in a motorcar — for obvious reasons.
  • Don't have time for a proper wash? Try vacuuming your blankets.
  • To avoid further harm, mend whatsoever rips and tears before washing your blanket.

Comforters & Bedspreads:

  • Comforter washing is a bit complicated. Y'all should always test the comforter for colorfastness get-go by dipping a corner into a bit of the detergent. If the color bleeds, have it dry out-cleaned instead.
  • Your comforters or bedspreads may require special care that your regular washing machine isn't able to provide as well. Consider cleaning them in a commercial washer and dryer instead.
  • If you've decided to wash your comforter at habitation, you should do so in cold water and on low heat. If possible, let the washed bedspread air dry on a clothesline.


  • Quilts are just as delicate every bit comforters and should be washed in the same way.
  • It's always all-time to hand wash quilts that are quondam and fragile.
  • Never wash silk or velvet quilts.


  • Pillowcases should be automobile-done in cold water and dried on a absurd setting.
  • Remember to fluff your pillows daily to become rid of dust and expressionless skin cells.
  • Y'all should air out your pillows oftentimes by hanging them on a clothesline — or, if you don't have a clothesline, leave them near an open window.

Resource Links:

  • "You may not believe how long people wait to modify their sheets" via MediaFeed.org
  • "How Often Should Y'all Really Launder Your Sheets? Our Cleaning Expert Weighs In" via Good Housekeeping

Factory Direct Bedding & Furniture Quincy, Il

Posted by: paulnortur.blogspot.com

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